
Welcome to Allendale Primary

You may already be familiar with Allendale Primary School, having children who are in other age groups but there are some parents for whom their child starting school in September is a new experience. Usually the children will have had visits with their parents, pre-school staff and on their own to gradually become familiar with their new school, staff, classroom, dinner time in the school hall, sports hall and grounds. It's a huge milestone in a child's life to start 'big school' so we hope that the information and videos on this page will help you to feel more reassured to start the preparations for September.
You will find a strong, generous and supportive community Allendale Primary School and that your child will be joining a staff team that will cherish and nurture your child to support them to grow and develop. We look forward to welcoming you to one of our many events in the future and hope that you will take the time to come to our information meetings, where you can find out more and ask asmany questions as you need to.
Please read our 'Coming to School' book below to hjelp you to become familiar with what we have to offer.
Mr Phil Vincent
Meet Karen, out HLTA in Reception.
Meet Miss Armstrong who is the Pipit Class teacher.