

Mrs Cheryl Litster Smith

Community Governor - Chair of Governors

Mr Geoff Lee

Community Governor - Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs Valeria Dunn

Community Governor

Ms Fay Tinnion

Community Governor

Mr John Litster

LA appointed Governor

Ms Jayne Curtis

Associate Governor

Mr Phil Vincent

Headteacher Governor

Mr Peter Kiln

Staff Governor

Mr Clive Bishop

Parent Governor

Mrs Julie Naguib

Community Governor

Ms Lucy Bellini

Parent Governor

The Governing Body is responsible for overseeing the standard of education and school developments at Allendale Primary School.
School Governors comprise of the Headteacher and a staff governor, elected parent governors and community governors.
Governors take responsibility for monitoring curriculum areas and other aspects of school life.
Governors can also serve on committees, such as Finance, Staffing and Buildings.
Finance Committee - Mr J Litster, Mr C Bishop, Mr P Vincent
Staffing Committee - Mrs C Litster Smith, Mrs V Dunn, MrP Vincent
Buildings Committee - Mr J Litster, Mr C Bishop, Mr P Vincent