Governance at Allendale Primary School
Whether you are a pupil, parent, prospective parent, member of staff, member of our local community, or someone interested in becoming a governor, thank you for your interest in our website. I hope you will take the time to read about how Allendale Primary School is governed and who is involved.
I feel very privileged to be the current Chair of Governors at Allendale Primary School. Over the past few years there have been many changes at APS and I am confident that our school will continue to go from strength to strength during my term as Chair.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Cheryl Litster Smith
Chair Governors
How is our school governed?
All schools are required to have a Governing Body whose role is to have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
The Governing Body is made up of volunteers who, as a whole group, have the knowledge, skills and time to be able to perform these strategic functions. Here at Allendale Primary School we have 12 places on our governing body. We meet as a full governing body at least once per term but the majority of our work takes place in committees which also meet at least once per term. As well as being members of committees, our “non- staff” governors also take an interest in all areas of the curriculum.
How are we doing?
All our governors work hard to support, challenge and hold the school to account so that Allendale Primary School is successful both now and in the future. We have a high attendance record of all governors at both full board and committee meetings.
Following our very positive Ofsted Inspection report in November 2023, the leadership team, both staff and governors, have continued to drive the school forward towards our vision. The Ofsted inspection report can be read by following the link on this website. The Inspection team stated that “Governors perform their duties well. They hold leaders to account and support with the school’s strategic direction. ”
During 2023 / 2024 we:
Supported the continued development of English through phonics, reading, writing and spelling as identified in the School Improvement Action Plan. Yr1 phonics screening results were above national average. The children had made good progress from Reception. Yr6 writing levels were above national average.
Supported the continued development of Maths including a focus on challenge, language and times tables as identified in the School Improvement Action Plan. Visits to school showed a good level of challenge for the children.
Monitored how the outdoor classroom was utilised, and its impact on the pupils’ learning in specific areas of the curriculum. The outdoor area was well used and highly regarded by children and adults.
Monitored the role of the Academic Mentor and measure its impact. Groups that have worked with the Academic Mentor have made better than expected progress.
Monitored all aspects of the enriched curriculum and the impact of associated activities and experiences on the pupils’ learning. A very wide range of opportunities have been made available to children across the school this year.
Ensure that the Sports Premium is used to provide quality sports provision and evaluate its impact on pupils’ health and well being. Sport remains a high priority for the school and the children enjoy a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Support the continued improvement of the school’s learning environment including the development of Therapeutic Classrooms in EYFS and KS1 and the library areas. The library area has been developed. Children and adults talk positively about the school environemt. Sourcing smaller comfortable chairs for KS1 remains a challenge.
Monitor behaviour for learning, attendance and punctuality targets and the impact on these of any initiatives such as the National Professional Qualification for Leading Behaviour Culture. Attendance has risen and is above national average.
During 2024 / 2025 we will: